To remind you, I write as if the reader is a novice; if you're not, then you may be amused by my take on all things to do with anchors.
My first instinct was to buy a cheap anchor and tie it to the boat with a long piece of rope. When the time came, just throw the anchor over the side ... job done! My conscience got in the way and I did some research; after coming all this way why not do anchoring professionally. I discovered a whole new art form.
I learnt that there are lots of types and sizes of anchor so which one would suit me best. The rule-of-thumb for getting the right weight of anchor is:
One pound for each foot of the boat's length, or, one Kg for each metre.
So I needed a 15 pound (7.5 kg) anchor. There are many types of anchor and the one best suited for me was a Bruce. These came out of the need to hold oil-rigs in place and have been developed for the likes of me.
You can get really expensive shiny Stainless Steel ones but I settled for a galvanised steel one. Mine comes with 5 metres of chain and 50 meters of rope.
Rather than go through the theory of the system I intend to simply show what I do and explain at each stage. That way we slowly build up the system.
STAGE 1 The Chain Locker
With all that chain and rope I needed a chain locker. I went right forward into the wheel house and cut a hole in the forward bulkhead.
Using folded paper to get the shape I made a plywood floor inside the locker; fixing it in place with epoxy fillets
I bought a hatch door for the locker for £25 (US$ 33) this saved the time needed to make one and also matched the two ports already in that location
The hole I had was too large for the hatch: I had to make it large to get the floor into the locker. The result was when the door was offered up there were gaps in places
To overcome this I cut out an annulus from 3/8" plywood
The annulus was placed around the spigot of the hatch and offered-up
It all fitted very nicely. The hatch was removed and the annulus glued with epoxy resin and clamped in place to cure. That is the current situation.
Note Rope Inside the Locker |
Tomorrow I fit the hatch in place and move onto the next stage