I should be getting back to the build in the next week; I've been buried in artistic endeavours for the last few weeks. However, I have started to consider what I need to do about installing my own electrics.
This is very basic start which I will build on over time, but I have to start somewhere because I know nothing about electrics ... but what harm can I do? What could possibly go wrong? (grin).
TIP Join the (US) website group Off Centre Harbor. They have a real layman's series of short videos on Electrics & Electronics delivered by a University Lecturer, about all this - really simple to follow.
Click for LINK to Off Center Harbor
Click for LINK to Off Center Harbor
Let’s start with the various application types. There are two types: engine starting (or cranking) and deep-cycle to power other on-board electrics.
Starting batteries are designed to provide a big jolt of electrical power (or amperes) for a short period of time, then be quickly recharged.
Deep-cycle batteries (or House electrics battery) are built to supply a limited number of amps over a longer time and then be recharged more slowly.
I will need two AGM (absorbed glass mat) Batteries:
An ENGINE START battery, the type I will need depends on which engine I install, and the Engine Manufacture defines the CAA * required.
HOUSE DEEP-CYCLE battery x 1
*A battery’s ability to crank an engine is indicated on the battery by its cold cranking amps (CCA), the amount of juice delivered at a specific temperature, usually 32 degrees Fahrenheit. This is shown as, typically CCA 800 (will supply 800 amps for 30 seconds at 32deg F)
The battery cable strands need to be tinned copper (untinned will corrode)
Standard Wire Gauge (SWG) of cable required, its thickness/diameter, is determined by the amperage the cable will carry and the length of run (use Tables)
Terminal lug same SWG as cable (marked on lug), and hole suitable for battery terminal post
Cut of just enough cable insulation to fill the shank of the lug.
Crimp lug.
Heat shrink over lug connection
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Run it from House Battery